The things we utilize include the plumbing we have in the home including washing dishes, making use of the toilet, as well as everything else in between. This video will help you understand how plumbing functions.
There are three different types of pipes you’ll encounter in the home. These are PVC, cast iron, and acrylonitrile butadiene stryrene (ABS). Each pipe is linked to fixtures within the home like the washing machine and toilet. The pipes are then connected to the municipal drain located beneath the street, in the distance from the house.
The video also shows the different dimensions of pipes that connect to fixtures. The pipe connected to the toilet is an overall diameter of 3 inches. Different sizes are employed to prevent clogging.
It’s always a good idea to learn what goes on behind the scenes of the plumbing in your home. Learn more about it in this video , and also ask your plumber when they visit to talk about various aspects of plumbing.