Olved Air Flotation (also known as DAF) It is a procedure to purify water. The video below will demonstrate how DAF is able to supply the home with clean and drinking water.
Inside a mixing tank, the flocculent solution first created. After that, the unclean water is put into the very first step that is DAF. DAF process. The water is made up of solid pieces of matter that begin to crowd together. The flocculent is used to mix them up.
The coagulated solids and water also known as “flocs” will then be pumped into the main body of DAF system. The floc is lifted to the surface and allows to improve the efficiency of removal of the dissolved solids.
The water is pumped through multiple scrapers to get rid of floc. The floc that has been coagulated is separated from pure water when it is scraped through a series of scrapers. The sludge gets then flushed of any remaining water.
The final stage is when the water is then sent to an interceptor to undergo the process of foaming as well as pH acceptance. Following further dewatering and treatment the sludge may be delivered to sewers.
For more information on the way a dissolving air flotation device operates, just click the video link above.