Go through your pantry and remove food that is expired or become in staleness. Items that could be harmful to health or will expire within days should be thrown out. Do not donate food to shelters, or food banks when you discover things that have run out of their expiry date. The process of going through your pantry allows you to decide which items you can keep and which you should get rid of.
Attic or Crawl Space
The perfect place to keep objects is in the attic. These are also an ideal place to store items. You need to declutter them and empty the space for future residents to use.
Selling Your Stuff
Once you have determined what products you’re keeping and which you’d rather throw away and then figure out what items to dispose of. It is possible to do this by having a yard sale at your house.
If you are planning to organize and decluttering before you move the planning aspect is crucial to its effectiveness of it. We often leave packing and decluttering until the last minute.