How to tell if tap water is safe to drink roblem.
1. The Kind of Water and the Quality Standards
Water from tap and bottles are always considered safe for drinking. The water in bottles is tested and certified to meet safety standards through the Food and Drug Administration. Similar quality checks are carried out by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The agency provides the consumer with crucial information regarding the tap water they use in their area such as the source the source, levels of contaminants and health-related risks. Testing for quality is highly recommended if you use well water in the house. The EPA isn’t able to handle the issue. Check that the pollutants are in the safe range that can be used in your home. These standards can help you find out if your water from the tap is healthy.
2. The Degree of Hardness
Water can be difficult or soft, based on the amount of minerals it has. Water that is hard is not necessarily more beneficial than soft water. Mineral levels that are high can cause dangers to health. It tastes different to soft water. It is entirely the one you make. Of course, the majority of water sources in the United States are hard and necessitate the use of softeners in order to lower the amount of minerals in water used in homes. Measuring the calcium and magnesium levels of water will determine the hardness or soft. This is critical to test water quality. It is also a way to find out if the water from the tap is healthy.
3. Tap Water Testing
areas with less than 100,000 households and those that rely on water from wells require the owners to run self-tests for water quality. homes with lead pipes generally built before 1986 also require the tap water being tested to verify the absence of lead-related contamination. You can test tap water or well water by using a water testing kit. You can buy one from the stores for between $20-$150. Ask the water provider. It is suggested to submit your samples to EPA and certified private laboratories. They provide the sample.